A blog about noms, life, and everything in between.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I love breakfast, and I always have. I look forward to it, dream about it, and skip down to the kitchen every morning, super excited to nom. Why do I get so excited? Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day! You've heard that for years along with those Cookie Crisp or Trix cereal commercials. Well, they may have been lying about their cereal being a healthy choice for the first meal of the day (silly rabbit!), but they weren't lying about that first meal being good for you.

So here's how I usually start my day... a green monster smoothie, AKA breakfast of champions. They're the best thing ever - they look like they'd taste just like the greens you put in there, but they don't. They taste like banana HEAVEN. With peanut butter. Can it get any better?

Into the blender goes:
1/2 cup vanil
la almond milk
1/2 cup water
1 banana
3 cups spinach
a dollop of peanut butter
a handful of ice

Like they say on Yo Gabba Gabba..... try it, you'll like it!

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I'm a British vegan living in the land of fried chicken, BBQ pork, and grits.
